Sermon Snips
I love my church beyond words. But when I attend my church after having given the message at the women’s prison near me on the fourth Sunday of the month, I can’t stop reliving the moments I’ve just spent with the ladies.
There are women of all ages and races as I look out in the rows of matching green-clothed women. Green is their “dress” outfit, while a grey sweatsuit is their everyday outfit. Some of them clearly want to be there for the church service and openly worship the Lord, while others definitely are not excited about being there. Some attend because of an invite, some out of boredom, some to spend time with friends, and some out of curiosity.
Over the years, as I’ve gotten more comfortable in speaking and sharing my message, I’ve been able to look up from my notes more and connect with the women as I speak, looking into their eyes and seeing them, seeing the hurt, the joy, the fear, the hope, the anger.
I’ve begun to get more interactive responses from the ladies as I get more comfortable and as I get more in tune with the relation of Bible passages I share, connecting my stories with them, and most importantly, connecting the needs of the ladies with the love and hope that God has for them. When I get an amen from this crowd, it’s the real deal. There’s no fluffy compliments with these women, not that I desire that. It’s the tears, the smiles, heads nodding in agreement, the knowing look, that I get them and they get me, and the upward look toward God in worship that all speaks volumes.
The first year I spent preparing and speaking my Bible insights with these women, I honestly didn’t fully get it. I would prepare at home on my computer and feel confidently ready for Sunday morning. And then as I would start to speak, I would instantly realize that I hadn’t put myself in the mindset of the women in my preparation time. It’s hard to truly have their mindset unless you’ve actually walked in their shoes, so I can’t say that I’m able to completely relate with them.
But I’ve spent so many moments spontaneously adjusting my message month after month as the live interaction with the women poured new insights and instant connections of spiritual meaning into me, that I’m been able to better put myself in that frame of mind while preparing at my home computer now. I actually spend a lot less time on making slideshows and putting pictures together to keep their interest, and more time thinking through the context of the Bible passage and how it relates to the context of the women I’ll be speaking to.
It’s such a blessing to be given access to minister to these beautiful women. Having spent as many years and more leading Bible studies with these women on a Thursday night as I have with them on Sunday mornings has also given me insight into their stories and childhoods and the long painful journeys that led them to this life.
Connecting with these women is so deeply personal for me, and my intimacy with God grows each time I’m there. It’s brought Jesus’ parable to life for me in Matthew 25:36 and most of 40, “I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me. . . Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”
These posts are some of my favorite passages I’ve shared over the years with these women. I pray they will bless you and deepen your walk with Christ.